Lalor for Congress

Kieran Lalor is a hard working Marine Iraq War Veteran who is running for Congress in NY’s 19th Congressional District. I know Kieran. I know what he believes in and what he stands for. I know that he will go to Washington and fight for change. The right kind of change! Kieran is a fighter, like every good Marine, and there is no battle too tough nor daunting that he will not undertake to protect the interests of the people of the 19th CD.

Here are links to his latest debates with his Democrat opponent John Hall.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

There are only a few days left to the election. Give Kieran a hand in his battle to get the representation in Washington that the 19th district needs! Visit his campaign website here and donate or volunteer!

Breaking News

Hall adviser fired, linked to Ohio voting fraud probe

Vote Today Ohio organizer fired as adviser to New York Rep. John Hall

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