Failure to Launch

March 31, 2011

Ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?

The French did:

Hat tip: Universe Today

Could Geert Wilders Become Prime Minister of the Netherlands?

February 20, 2010

With today’s collapse of the three party governing coalition in the Netherlands, the way lies open for Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom to take command of the Dutch government.

His comment:

”This is a beautiful day,” Mr Wilders said. ”The worst cabinet in Dutch history no longer exists and people can let their voices be heard by voting in a few months’ time.”

I met him at a screening of his documentary Fitna a year ago.

Read the whole report here.

Read about today’s Dutch government turmoil here.

Pamela Geller has more here!

New Solar Observatory Should Provide Some Climate Answers

January 29, 2010

I have long argued that the Sun, that churning cauldron of nuclear fire, is central to climate on Earth as well as all the other planets in our Solar System.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory should provide some amazing new insights into how the Sun influences everything in its neighborhood.

It should also debunk much of the Anthropogenic Global Warming farce!

Hat Tip: Universe Today

Climategate: An Excellent Discussion

January 20, 2010

Climate Skeptic‘s Warren Meyer discusses Climate Change on Freedomain Radio.

Climategate: More on the Fraudsters!

November 30, 2009

An excellent article on Tom Wigley’s involvement with the fraud from Day 1.

Our roundup of the Climategate fraudsters is here.

What do the fraudsters have to say about the increasing criticism of their actions?

Let Them Eat Cake!

The million dollar question is:

Will They Get Away With Their Fraud?

Global Warming Fraud Resource: Who’s Who of the Fraudsters

November 24, 2009

The following is a list of all the supposed scientists and journalists who have perpetrated or abetted the largest scientific fraud ever:

Update:  Who’s Who the Video:

Ammann, Caspar, Researcher at National Center for Atmospheric Research

Bradley, Raymond, Director of the Climate System Research Center, University of Massachusetts

Briffa, Keith, Researcher at University of East Anglia

Browner, Carol, Energy-Environment Czar to Barack Obama,

Foster, GrantAmerican Association of Variable Star Observers

Hansen, James, Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Holdren, John, Science Czar to Barack Obama –  More on Holdren’s views here. Investigation here.

Jones, Phil, Professor at University of East Anglia, Stepping down pending investigation.

Mann, Michael, Professor of Meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, Under Investigation.

Osborn, Tim, Researcher at University of East Anglia

Overpeck, Jonathon, Co-director of the Institute for Environment and Society at the University of Arizona

Peterson, Thomas, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

Rahmstorf, Stefan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Revkin, Andy, New York Times

Santer, Ben, Researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Schmidt, Gavin, Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Trenberth, Kevin, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Wang, Wei-Chung, State University of New York, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center

Wahl, Eugene, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

Wigley, Tom, Researcher at National Center for Atmospheric Research, More here.

Doug Ross has some research on how journalists are responding to Climategate here.

Barbara Hollingsworth identifies her top 5 of the Fraudsters!

Al Gore: To be sued over Global Warming Fraud!

November 23, 2009

The founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, and 30,000 scientists are going to launch that suit!

For more on the Global Warming Hoax go here.

And here.

Barack Obama: Begging Mission Fails

October 2, 2009

Obama Olympics Epic Fail

The unseemly begging mission of the president of the United States to secure the 2016 Olympics for Chicago was another epic fail.

The committee was unmoved by appeals from both the president, his wife and Oprah Winfrey.

But it did promote the image that this president is not beneath anything.

Michelle Malkin has more.

Losing the Love!

More at Gateway Pundit.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: The Nation: Congenital Liar

September 28, 2009

Katrina vanden Heuvel the Editor and Publisher of The Nation is a congenital liar.


In a letter she sent out to her ultra left wing drones she says:

Just days ago, Glenn Beck led the astro-turf 9-12-09 “Taxpayer March on DC.”  Compared to the millions who have marched for civil rights, equal rights, and gay rights, and against the war, Beck’s 70,000 would be small stuff — except for the tens of thousands waving Confederate flags, anti-gay hate signs, and shouting “White Power!”

Unfortunately none of what she says is true.

  1. Glenn Beck didn’t lead the march, in fact he wasn’t even in Washington on 9-12-09.  He covered the march from New York.
  2. 70,000 is the far left’s attempt to minimize the number of Americans who came out to march in defense of the Constitution against the onslaught of assaults on our rights being put forth by the president and the congress.  The actual number is between 2.7 and 1.7 million making it the largest protest march in North American history.
  3. There were no more than a handful of confederate flags.  I only saw one.  But the lefties have no clue about American history and therefore they continually confuse the Gadsden Flag (Yellow with coiled snake and “Don’t Tread On Me” motto) with the confederate flag.  The same thing happened in NYC when someone educated by lefties asked us why we were carrying the confederate flag at a tea party protest when, in fact, the flag he was referring to was the Gadsden Flag.
  4. No one was shouting “White Power”.  Not once. Never.  A complete fabrication from the queen of dissimilitude.

For proof of most of this just look at  the pictures and videos here and here and here.

It seems her mind is well equipped only to do battle with her fantasy conservatives.

Hat Tip: Red Squirrel

Image from The People’s Cube.

Don’t Tread On Me!

September 23, 2009

Great New Video from our friends at NuMag!

Vince Ardizzone did a fantastic job interviewing folks at the 9/12 March on Washington.  He interviewed and interviewed until he ran out of videotape!  A truly great cornucopia of American patriotism from all over our great country on record at the march the media ignored!  Here are his ten videos.  Take your time and watch them all!